Eli Van fraeyenhove

Meet the manager

At Fenego, it's not just about technology and innovation; it's also about people and leadership. Eli Van fraeyenhove, the managing partner at Fenego, perfectly embodies this philosophy. On a typical Friday, you can often find Eli at the Xplore Group offices in Kontich. Whenever possible, he commutes by bike, including a ferry ride across the Scheldt.

Together with his colleague Nick, Eli leads the team with a strong focus on operational excellence and customer satisfaction. They are deeply involved in project follow-up, client pitches, and team dynamics. Eli’s technical background makes him a crucial link in the content and technology of projects. However, most decisions are made jointly with Nick, creating a synergistic effect.

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A rich career in e-commerce

Nearly 20 years of expertise

Eli is about to celebrate his 20th anniversary with the Cronos Group. He began his career as a Java developer in another competence centre within the group. His career took off when he entered the e-commerce sector, where he quickly grew into a solution architect. After numerous successful projects, he took over the daily management of Fenego together with Nick.

One of Eli's most memorable moments was the TomTom project, an intense and challenging journey with a spectacular go-live. This project was accomplished with colleagues who are still at Fenego, contributing to a strong team spirit. Recently, Fenego was awarded the 'Partner of the Year' award by Intershop, a milestone that Eli is rightfully proud of.

Thriving through change

Challenges and achievements

The landscape of e-commerce has changed significantly in recent years. While it used to be easier to find projects for the Intershop platform, customers now have many more choices. Nevertheless, Eli sees this as an opportunity. "It is our job to guide customers in making the right choices," he says.

The COVID-19 period also brought challenges, but Fenego emerged stronger with a flexible work structure that combines remote and office work. This allows new team members to integrate well, which is essential for their growth and team cohesion.


Keys to success

Motivation and teamwork

What motivates Eli daily is teamwork and the satisfaction of his colleagues. "Consultancy excels in solving complex problems," he explains. In his current role, he focuses on translating technical solutions into clear proposals for clients, which continues to provide him with both challenge and fulfilment.

Fenego's growth has been impressive. Starting from one table, it has now expanded to multiple tables across two locations. This success is credited to years of experience and expertise in e-commerce projects. "Our expertise allows us to assist clients who may be uncertain about starting a project," Eli elaborates.


Balancing work ethic with team bonding

Work hard, play hard

At Fenego, it's not just about hard work but also fostering a strong team bond. Eli believes in setting a good example and sticking to commitments, such as the two office days per week. "As managers, we must adhere to this," he emphasizes. This creates a positive work environment where everyone thrives.

A recent highlight for the team was celebrating 15 years of Fenego in Valencia, attended by many employees who have been with the company since its inception. These long-standing relationships strengthen the team and the company culture, something Eli takes particular pride in.

A relaxing start for productivity

On the bike to success

Eli is no stranger to traffic woes. Opting for the bike, he finds his commute faster and more relaxing. The route through the natural reserve and the ferry ride across the Scheldt provide him with a refreshing start to the day. 'It's a wonderful moment to wake up and begin the day with renewed energy,' he remarks."

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Eli's ambitions and satisfaction

Looking forward with confidence

Eli is optimistic about Fenego's future. "We have many exciting projects ahead," he says enthusiastically. He sees plenty of opportunities for himself within the Cronos Group but is content with his current position. "I'm happy with what I do today."

At Fenego, there's always room for growth, both for the company and its people. With Eli at the helm, the future looks promising.